Sticky Headers

Sticky Headers

Running Time: 00m 50s


This video shows you how to make a header section sticky (i.e stay fixed to the top of the page).

NB Click on Image in the bottom right of the video to view fullscreen.



About this video

This video assumes you are already logged into the Sketchanet editor. If you don't know how to do this, you can find out how here


The video above shows you how you can make a section sticky i.e stay fixed to the top or bottom of a page. This is particularly useful for navigation sections as the menu remains visible on scrolling. 


To make a section sticky, select that section, click the  Section Size and Position Tab and in the Offscreen Behaviour setting (the last option) select between Normal (Element will behave normally when off screen), Fix to Top of Viewport (When offscreen, element sticks to the TOP of the viewport N.B this works on the front end only) or Fix to Bottom of Viewport (When offscreen, element sticks to the BOTTOM of the viewport. Again, this works on the front end only).